Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Marxist Theories Of International Relations Politics Essay

The Marxist Theories Of International Relations Politics Essay Nothing to do with Marxism/Leninism as a State Ideology, although associated with it, and embarrassed by it. Marxism is a set of analytical theories, that experience a renaissance today, because it appears clearly again, after the triumphalism of the 1990s, that Capitalism is in a constant crisis. In Latin America, in Asia, and even here in the USA, financial crises happen quite frequently. Also, even when capitalism is working, it might not produce favourable outcomes for everybody. Globalisation is good for American companies, but not necessarily for the American blue collar worker. Strength of Marxism: to understand the role of the economy in politics and analyse why crises are part of it. In International Politics: it investigates the role of global capitalism in world politics. It is a theory that is very disconcerting, for it demonstrates things that we usually dont want to hear or know: that our wealth in the West is dependent upon the poverty and misery of the people in the other parts of the world. In Marxs words; accumulation of wealth at one pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality at the opposite pole. Hence, that 1/5 of the worlds population is living in extreme poverty, 30,000 children die every day from preventable diseases 1 bn people dont have access to clean water In 34 countries the life expectancy is now lower than it was in 1990 is not a god-given feature of our world, but to a significant extent caused by the way the global economy works. Here we will talk about four different theories that take inspiration from Marxism. What do they have in common? Society and Politics are a Totality. The division into History, Sociology, IR, Political Science, Economics and so on is misleading and problematic. Every issue, problem is part of this totality. Current example: USA vs. Iraq: what is relevant? Military power, nuclear weapons, balance of power, regime type, culture, religion, economic interests in oil and so on. So to isolate one of these point always misses that the picture is always a large one and a complicated one. A materialist conception of history. History is driven by the tension between the means of production (labour, tools, technology, capital) and the relations of production (the socio-economic conditions that prevail in a society: Feudalism, Slaveholder society, Capitalism) Former transform and improve, straining against the latter: during Feudalism, manufacturing needed more free worker, undermining the bondage of peasants and the power of guilds. Slavery in 1865 was not only a moral depravity but also economically outdated. It is too inefficient to compete with modern manufacturing in large scale. This tension will over time lead to the transformation of social relations: the freeing of peasants in Europe, of slaves here in the USA, and so on. Also, the economic sector (means and relations of production) dominates the political, legal, and cultural system. This superstructure reflects and reinforces the way the economic sector, the base is run. We have a political system that support s and reinforces capitalist property, our laws protect property, our welfare states keep the people alive so they wont revolt or starve. Our culture facilitates the reaping of profits for large companies and corporations: fashion, music, arts, entertainment, also education is guided towards profit maximisation of capital. Class is a central concept: in every society there is class conflict. In capitalist society, there is the conflict between bourgeoisie and proletariat. A bit too simple perhaps today, but if you know what Enron did to its employees, you get an idea that the interest of the capitalist are not always the interests of the workers or employees. Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point, however, is to change it. Emancipation and change were the goal for him: to end capitalism and its exploitation of the workers, and to create a more just society. This is still on the agenda, not least in global politics. World Systems Theory (Wallerstein) Based on insights that globalised capitalism is creating a core-periphery in the world, and that all economic interactions take place within a global context. The location of states in this system determines their behaviour and their interactions. Page 207: Core: industrialised and modern parts of world economy. Periphery: the exploited part from which we receive cheap resources and raw material. Terms of trade are deteriorating in the long run for Periphery: raw material gets cheaper, manufactured goods more expansive. Semi-Periphery: plays an interesting part: stabilizes capitalism in Core by providing cheap labour and by taking up labour intensive industries that move out of core. Temporal factor: cyclical rhythms: expansion and contraction: stock market, trade, etc secular trends: over time moving up or down through cyclical rhythms contradictions: central part of capitalism: crisis of underconsumption laying off workers makes profits rise, but then no-one buys stuff, so even more lay-offs Crisis: of a whole world system, possibility for change Gramscianism Problem that Antonio Gramsci dealt with: how come there is no revolution occurring in Western Europe? How can capitalism stabilize itself and make workers believe that Capitalism is also in their interest? Why is nobody really challenging it? Hegemony: dominant ideology distributed through society via media, culture, education, churches, etc (civil society). Its a soft form of power, complementing coercion. People are raised and socialized to accept no alternative to Capitalism, schools teach about its virtues, and everybody takes it for granted that we are a capitalist society. So the Superstructure (politics, culture, etc) feeds back and stabilizes the basis. In international politics, Robert Cox above all has used and developed these fascinating ideas about the relationship between material reality (economics) and ideological superstructure (politics and culture) in investigating the way this works in the international economy. Success of free trade and neoliberalism all over the world needs to be explained: How come everybody assumes that free trade is the solution to the economic problems of every country, when it so blatantly is not? As Cox points out, theory is always a theory for some one, and for some purpose. Its never neutral and objective, it always benefits some and does not benefit or oppresses others. Values about right and wrong are inherent and implicit in any theory. And the hegemonic ideology of neoliberalism does just that: it benefits the interest of the rich and powerful in world economics. It opens up markets to their powerful and efficient companies. It makes resources and raw materials available for a cheap price, as it forces these countries to focus on those resources for income, and forces them into a competition with each other. It allows Western companies to snap up privatised companies in Third World countries at bargain prices. . Thus, by forcing the countries of the underdeveloped world into the free market economy, we do this above all to support our own interests. By claiming and spreading the news that there is no alternative to neoliberalism and free trade, we abolish alternatives for these countries. And if they still resist, ideology is enforced by international institutions. Case discussed in Box 10.3 is very good here. It should be noted in this context that those countries that successfully developed their economies since the 1950s in the Third World (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, India) did so with a significant role for the state and protectionist policies. Education systems were crucial. If countries resist, the IMF refused to give them financial aid that they need to get out of debt. Also, further problem: West itself does not take free trade all that seriously. OXFAM REPORT HERE. Marxism and Globalisation: The growing integration of national economies, the increasing interdependence of societies, and the proliferation of global organisations and networks are in a sense nothing new to Marxism. They have been looking at these developments for the longest time: Capitalism itself is the driving force behind it. Capitalism is expansive, and transformative. It constantly seeks new markets for its products, and it transforms the societies it reaches in this pursuit. Traditional societies that have survived through centuries are melted down and turned into modern capitalist societies with all the repercussions this has. And as economic developments and economic power will only increase in the future, these kind of theories will become more relevant than Realism and Liberalism. And as the globalising economy now produces more and more undesirable outcomes, not only in the Third World, but also here at home, we might also pay attention to the emancipatory aspect of Marxism and the question of transforming the global economy to make it fairer, and more just.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Proud Moment

If I had to describe a proud moment of mine it would have to be about the summer that just recently passed. In the summer I work as a lifeguard, a serious job that isn’t always taken as serious as it should be, but when faced with danger most of the employees know what to do. Anyways, in the summer I worked as a lifeguard in the afternoons and evenings and in the morning, I would teach younger children how to swim. I was their instructor and they were my students. We had a lot of fun, and I absolutely loved teaching little kids how to do something that I love to do myself. It was hot summer day and a lot of the camp children from the local boys and girls club had just arrived. So all of the lifeguards on duty assumed their positions and conducted a swimming test for the camp kids to make sure they were capable of swimming in the deep end. Once the swim test was over we now let the public into the pool area. A good sized group arrived at the pool, the group consisted of a single lady and about 5-7 other kids. A few of the older ones in the group had been to the pool before so I knew what they were capable of doing in the water. But there was this one little girl that made her was to the deep side and I asked one of them older kids if she was able to swim in the deep end and they said yeah she was she can swim. So silly me, I believed them and continued on with my day surveying the rest of the pool. As I watched the kids climb out of the pool and go do jumps I noticed that the little girl was up next to jump. Remembering the conversation I had with the older kids, I turned to focus on something else, and the next thing I knew, the little girl was bobbing up and down, so I immediately kicked of my flip flops and jumped off of the guard chair and into the pool. I grabbed the little girl and pushed her to the wall. My adrenaline was so high, I didn’t even notice that someone had pulled her out of the water after I brought her to the side. This would have to be my proudest moment not only because I was just doing my job as a lifeguard but I had saved a little girls life. I am pretty proud of myself now even though it is 4 months later. Not much has changed but I am proud that I am enrolled in higher education trying to make something out of myself and make a good living. I am also proud that I am having fun along the way. There really aren’t any differences between these two proud moments other than one was a paying job and it was my duty to help people and now it is my personal duty to fulfill what I want out of life.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Argumentative Essay Topics on Women s Rights Diaries

The Argumentative Essay Topics on Women 's Rights Diaries Today gender roles are shifted, making strong influence on society. Your essay may revolve around gender issues from different sections of the world such as women rights in the Middle East and so forth. In the modern society, gender means a whole lot more than it used to. These days, the theme of gender equality and gender studies is quite popular throughout the world. Women ought to be fined each time they scream. They are not exceptional too. They were allowed to work 16 hours a day and perform men's duties. They should be allowed to work. The Hidden Truth About Argumentative Essay Topics on Women's Rights Facts, in the long run, will always win out against how folks are feeling at a specific moment. To make things worse, they were forced to take a seat behind a curtain. A number of issues of concern stay unsolved. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. Things You Should Know About Argumentative Essay Topics on Women's Rights Is it true that the thesis go at the conclusion of the conclusion. For Writing a Good Essay you need to choose fantastic topics. Researching the topic will enable you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. So in case you have been assigned with Essay Assignment on social issues then transgender rights is among the crucial elements of your subject. With all these things to argue about and for, it may be a bit overwhelming to develop a topic by yourself. A great essay topic is something you love. Review of credible sources on the subject. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't tricky to discover. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Such assignments could be based on an assortment of topics. You ought to be well accustomed with all the formats so that you're able to produce a superior work. The Hidden Secret of Argumentative Essay Topics on Women's Rights Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's essential to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. An essential essay will allow you to shed some light on the issue of censorship and capacity to speak freely. An essay about feminism can be approached from several sides, and various topics can turn into a foundation for this kind of academic papers. Don't hesitate to decide on any of the gender essay topics within this list and start the journey to a well-written essay on gender troubles. To make sure that your paper doesn't discriminate anyone, attempt to imagine which you're reading it to the mixed audience of unique genders. Therefore, writing a great thesis is an ambitious task that demands care and practice. That which we're searching for in an argumentative essay topic is something which may expand people's minds and permit them to have a look at a topic in a new light. At the conclusion of these list, you are going to discover links to a variety of argumentative paragraphs and essays. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you may counter to your own points. Sample speech titles should be added.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Bulfinchs Mythology Analysis - 705 Words

â€Å"Mythology is a subjective truth. Every culture imagines life a certain way† Devdutt Pattanaik (Brainyquote). A myth, which is a story that contains early history of civilization, explains and discloses the cultural inferences through the readings. As told in Bulfinch’s Mythology by Thomas Bulfinch, cultural aspects are revealed in Prometheus and Pandora, Apollo and Daphne, and Hercules. This includes, societal roles determined by sex and morals. Societal roles determined by sex is also reveled in Prometheus and Pandora. [D1: Position] Thomas Bulfinch displays this when Zeus imposes Prometheus and Epimetheus with an unpleasant gift: a woman named Pandora, â€Å"Women was not yet made. The story is that Jupiter made her, and sent her to†¦show more content†¦[E2: Quote] When Apollo saw Cupid, a petite boy playing with a small bow, he admired the fact that he could kill an enemy because he had killed Python. With Cupid being small in stature and Apollo being might, he started to insult Cupid on account of his bow. [D3: Rephrase] Furthermore, Daphne’s father insisted on a son in law, â€Å"Her father often said to her, ‘Daughter you owe me a son-in-law; you owe me children’ † (Bulfinch 28). [E3: Quote] Traditionally, the role for women were supposed to be acquitted by a man but Daphne thought weddings were a crime,[D4:Rephrase] â€Å"She, hating the thought of marriage as a crime†¦ and said, ‘Dearest father, grant me this favour, that I may always remain unmarried, like Diana’ † (Bulfinch 28-29). [E4: Quote] Apollo and Daphne demonstrates the societal roles determined by sex. Bulfinch also demonstrates morals in Hercules. [D1: Position] For example, â€Å" Hercules in a fit of madness killed his friend Iphitus, and was condemned for this offence to become the slave of Queen Omphale† (Bulfinch 121-122). [E1:Quote] With Hercules being the strongest man, he violates the law on several occasions. Out of the several incidents, one of them was when Hercules was sold into slavery as a result of him killing Iphitus. [D2: Rephrase] Another example of when Hercules disrespects the law is, â€Å"...the precious infant strangled them with his own hands.He was, however, by the arts of